Saturday, December 25, 2010

Module 7: Toughness and Impact Test

Dear students
Answer the following questions:
  1. Define toughness and specify three factor that affect toughness.

  2. How the stress-strain curve can be used to express if the material tough or not.

  3. the figure below illustrates the stress-strain curve for three different materials, organize the three material from the toughest to the least tought.

Module 6: Hardness Test

Dear Students

Answer the following questions.

1- List three most commonly used Hardens testing machines.

2- Explain the the test conditions for each one of the Brinell Hardness Numbers below:

  • 120 HBS 10/3000/15

  • 1800 HBW 10/3000/30

3- Calculate the Brinle hardness number for a steel specimen if the indentation diameter is 5.5 mm, indenter diameter is 12 mm, and the load is 50 KN. Write the full quote of the Brinell Hardness number.

Use the formula below:

Module 5: Compression Test

Dear Students

The figure below illustrates the compression test for an aluminium test specimen. If the diameter of the specimen is 7 mm :caluclate the following

  1. Maximum Force (Load) in KN

  2. Original Area, mm2

  3. Ultimate compressive Strength(σu), (N/mm2)

  4. Modulus of elasticity

  5. Yield stress

Monday, December 6, 2010

Module 4_ Tensile Test

Dear Students

refer to the link and to tensile stress-strain curve below to answer the following questions:

1. Define the following terms:

  • the ultimate tensile force,

  • fracture force,

  • elastic range

  • plastic range

2. Explain how to get the yield point from the graph.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Module 3_DT and Non-DT testing of materials

Dear Students

Activity 1
For each of the non-destructive testing methods shown below list one
major limitation to its use:
a. Visual test.
b. Die Penetrant test.
c. Magnetic test
d. Ultrasonic test
e. Radiographic test.
Use the engineering materials

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Module-3 , DT and NDT of materials

Dear students
For each of the non-destructive testing methods shown below list one
major limitation to its use:
a. Visual test.
b. Die Penetrant test.
c. Magnetic test
d. Ultrasonic test
e. Radiographic test.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Module 2_ Properties of Engineering Materials

Dear Students,
please conduct the follwoing activities:
  1. Explore the web, and find two applications of rivets ,upload pics.
  2. Explore the web, and find out the process pf making wires, upload vidios if possible.


Module 1

Dear Students
Please explore the web, and answer the following questions:
  1. Which type of aluminium we use for aircraft body and frame?
  2. Find few applications for the following metals:Titanium,Tungsten, chromium, Lithium, molybdenum.
  3. GRP and FRP are composite materials being explained the handouts, find out information about GRC and it applications.